Training Given to teachers on how to use mind map
A teacher training programme was organized and conducted by Mr. M.J.M Saneer and Mr. A.M Rajah was held on 7th and 8th of July at the Multimedia room of the school. The purpose of the training was to guide teachers to create contents using mobile phones. The counsellor and vice principal of the school Mr M.J.M Saneer conducted a session on how to create activities to engage students during teaching learning process. After that, a practical session was conducted by school ambassador teacher Mr. A.M Rajah on how to create Mind Map using smart phones. Teachers had actively participated in the training and created Mind Maps in their subjects.
There are many different types of Mind Map apps are available in the Playstore. In this training "miMind" app was used. It is free app. But some advanced feature are available in the premium account. It can be downloaded using following link
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